6 Prominent ‘Harlem Renaissance’ Artists And Their Works

Art, Design, History, Jazz, Literature, photography, Portraits
Charting a course roughly post WW1 through to the mid-to-late 1930’s, The Harlem Renaissance was a movement which, above all else, demonstrated the stunning creativity of African-Americans despite the plethora of injustices and prejudices they faced, and in spite of a systemic racism – political, social and structural – that seemed committed to establishing a narrative of inherent racial inferiority/superiority. Indeed the literature, music, paintings, sculptures and photography that emerged from Harlem in these decades are a bold affirmation of life, a resounding challenge to the status quo and a showcase of the spirit, talent and artistry of Black America. 

6 Masterful NY Street Photographers (Past & Present)

Architecture, Art, Design, photography
The movement or discipline of street photography emerged at the close of the 19th century, when technological advancements ushered in portable cameras which enabled early practitioners like Paul Martin to practice ‘candid photography’ on London’s vibrant streets. There is a fascinating, almost improvisational nature present in the street photographer’s work; the chance encounters and unexpected events that spill out on the sidewalks of our cities, and the fleeting moments and fascinating figures that populate the subway carriages and train cars that dissect our metropolises, are often lost in time or to the chaos of our own manic lives. Street Photography often captures these ephemeral moments, distilling individual narratives of life – a person, a place, a found object, a time of day or any combination of all these things – against the looming backdrop of the restless, unceasing city.