6 Photos To Coincide With The Conflict, Time, Photography Exhibition At The Tate London

Art, photography

The Conflict, Time, Photography Exhibition at the Tate, is a fascinating and breathtaking insight into wars and conflicts that have been and gone since the invention of cameras. The works featured in the exhibition depict scenes of terror in the very moments they took place, as well as scenes of brutalised landscapes, cities and people, years after destructive wars and conflicts. It looks to be a really interesting exploration of, among other things, the duality of mankind – it’s capacity to both destroy and create. Anyway, we’ll let you make your own mind up –  The exhibition takes place at the Tate Modern from now until the 15th of March 2015, take a sneak peak below and book tickets here.

Richard Peter


Don McCullin


Shomei Tomatsu


Toshio Fukada


Simon Norfolk


Sophie Ristelhueber


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