6 Of Our Favourite Simpsons Couch Gags

6 Things For Today, animation, Art, Branding, cartoon, comedy, Comedy Series, Design, Television, US Comedy

Harlem Globetrotters Gag
A short and sweet classic couch gag from season 9 episode 1.


Banksy Takeover
Pretty heavy, and a pretty powerful attack on the Fox corporation. Check out Banksy’s intro below:


Bill Plympton Takeover 
Animator and cartoonist Bill Plympton hits us with the story of the couch in this classy take over.


Guillermo del Toro Treehouse Of Horror XXIV

From Hitchcock, and Hellboy, to an awesome shot of Mr Burns as one of the Pan’s Labyrinth Monsters. This intro is awesome.


Homer’s Evolution
Keep an eye out for Moe’s hilarious appearance here.


Bill Plympton Takeover 2
Plympton takes over again and keeps it fresh for the ‘Black Eyed, Please’ episode.




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